Checking out an item is identical to issuing an item, except that the item is expected to be returned after use.
When an item is checked out, the quantity on hand for the item is reduced by the check-out quantity, but that quantity is not considered to be consumed. When planning routes used to replenish inventory for check-out items be sure to consider the quantity on hand and the total checked-out quantity. Check-out transactions are not included in reports that show net consumption.
11.6.1 To check out an item
- At the far left of the home screen, click the Company tab to display the company navigation tree.
- In the Company Tree, click the company this item will be associated with. The item will be visible to users of this company and all organizations above this location, but will not be visible to users assigned below this location.
- Click the Material Management drop-down.
- Click the Inventory option in the drop-down. The Material Management > Inventory window will open and display all items assigned to the selected company.
5. In the Transactions box on the ribbon bar, click Check-Out.
The Material Management > Inventory> Check Out Inventory window will open.
6. Use the Stocking Location drop-down to select a location from which the item will be checked out.
7. Use the CheckOut to drop-down to select the user to whom the item will be checked out
8. Note field is a free text field used to enter any relevant information about the checkout. Example, an indication of when the item is expected to be returned may be very useful to those planning purchases and restock routes.
9. Click the Search field drop-down to display a list of items, and then click the item to be checked out.
10. Click Add Item to add the selected item to the list below the Search.
11. The item information is displayed, including the quantity on hand:
12. Type the quantity to be checked out in the Check Out Quantity field.
13. Click the Bins icon to display a list of bins containing the selected item.
14. Click Save to check out the item.
Note: If the quantity on hand in MarginPoint 8 software is less than the quantity you are checking out, a warning dialog box will open. Click Yes to record the checkout transaction.
When an item is checked out, the quantity on hand for the item is reduced by the check-out quantity, but that quantity is not considered to be consumed because it is expected to be returned. This help topic explains how to return an item to inventory that has been checked out. The quantity on hand is increased by the number of items checked in.
11.6.2 To check in an item
- At the far left of the home screen, click the Company tab to display the company navigation tree.
- In the Company Tree, click the company this item will be associated with. The item will be visible to users of this company and all organizations above this location, but will not be visible to users assigned below this location.
- Click the Material Management drop-down.
- Click the Inventoryoption in the drop-down. The Material Management > Inventory window will open and display all items assigned to the selected company.
- In the Transactions box on the ribbon bar, click Check in. The Material Management > Inventory > Check In Inventory window will open, displaying all items that have been checked out from this location. The list can be sorted using the drop-down located to the right of each column.
- Click the Gear icon at the far left of an item row to open the Inventory: Check-In Item window for that item.
- Type the number of items being returned in the Check In Quantity
- The Note field is a free text field used to enter any relevant information about the check-in.
- Click Save to check in the item(s).