4.2 Assigning Users to a Security Role

How to assign users to a security role that was just created.

1. At the far left of the home screen, click the Company tab to display the company navigation tree.
2. Click the organization in the company tree to which security role will be assigned.
3. Click the Administration drop-down.


4. Click the User Option in the drop-down.
5. Click View Security Role in the Security Roles box on the ribbon bar:

6. Check the Security Role to which you will be assigning users to.
7. Click Assign Users in the ribbon bar above.

8. The Assign Users window will pop-up.
9. You can now select and move users from the left window to the right by selecting the user and then by clicking on the right pointer button. This will add the selected users to this role.
10. To remove users from the security role, select the users from the Assign Users side and then clock the left pointing arrow.
11. Click Save when done.
