The process of cloning/copying an existing users details to another.
These are the steps to create a new user by copying an existing user and changing information as required to reflect the new user. This procedure saves time when the new user shares many characteristics or settings with an existing user.
Create a new user using an existing user as a base
1. At the far left of the home screen, click the Company tab to display the company navigation tree.
2. Click the user’s company in the Company column.
3. Click the Administration drop-down.
4. Click the User option in the drop-down. The Administration > Users > New ribbon bar will appear.
5. Click the checkbox next to the user upon whom the new user will be based.
6. In the User box on the ribbon bar, click the New User drop-down.
7. Click the Copy User option in the drop-down.
8. Enter the new user’s information in all of the required fields. Required fields are marked with a red circle and include the following:
a. First Name.
b. Last Name.
c. Phone.
d. Email Address.
9. Enter information in the optional fields if desired.
10. Click the Preferences tab and change the default information as required.
11. Click the Security Settings tab.
12. Enter information in the required fields. Required fields are marked with a red circle and include the following:
a. Username
b. Password
c. Retype Password
d. Question (a reminder question to assist the new u ser in remembering the password)
e. Answer: (the answer to the password reminder question)
13. Enter information in the optional fields if desired.
14. Click the Security Roles tab.
15. Assign at least one security role to the new user by dragging and dropping from the Available Roles column into the Assigned Roles column. You may also click security roles to select them, and then use the arrow icons to assign them.
16. Click Save to create the new user.