This article will help instruct you on how to manually create a restock requisition in MarginPoint.
- Go to "Purchasing" -> "Restock"
- On the left hand side of the UI, select the stocking location you would like the restock to occur in.
- (See Red Highlight Arrow In Screenshot Below)
- Once a location has been selected click on the button labeled "New Requisition"
- Inside of the "New Restock Requisition" screen select which Supplier you would like the items sourced from. Additionally, a "Due Date" of when the requisition is due to be completed must be selected. (Red underline)
- (See Red Underline In Screenshot Below)
- Enter item numbers into the field titled "Search, Select All". Once an item number has been entered hit the Magnifying Glass icon right next to the text field to have the system search for the item. Then click on the "Add Item" button.
- (See Green Arrow & Box Below)
- Once an item has been added into the restock requisition you must then enter the quantity you wish to receive into the field titled "Req Qty"
- (See Blue Box Below)
- Repeat steps 5 & 6 as needed until all items you wish to restock are included on the requisition.
- When done hit "Save" which will finish creating the restock requisition for you.