View Historic List of Linked Work Order Line Items to Equipment - Item Details

Technician's can view work history linked to selected pieces of equipment. (Online Mode Only)

  1. From the Equipment screen, tap on ellipsis button on of the equipment rows to see the options- Edit, Duplicate and History. 
  2. Tap on View History to see the Work Order linked History screen. 
    1. This option will show any prior work orders that had equipment linked to any of their related work order detail lines.
  3. If any data exists then a list showing the following read only information will appear:
    1. Work Order Number
    2. Item Number
    3. Item Description
    4. Completed Date of the Work Order
  4. Tap on ellipsis button on a row to see the following options: Item Details and Work Order No.
    1. Item Details: Selecting this will show more detailed information regarding the Item No. chosen. This represents data on the item at the time is was linked. The additional information is:
      1. Price
      2. Quantity 
      3. Item Note
      4. Clicking on the Done button will close this form and take the user back to the Equipment - Work Order Linked History screen that it was called from.